Anime Fury


Updates! | Anime Pictures | Join | Yu Yu Hakusho Shrine | YYH Sypnosis | Gifs | Yu Yu Hakusho fics | Surf and submit links


Updates are down below!!!!!!


11-14-02-its been awhile and ive been so lazy........10-03-02-THe fic(ill give u a hint FICS)Are coming along nicely,and also is my new LAYOUT!!!(*hint*)09-22-02-Well i updated.09/18/02-Seriously!!!!!!I am almostr done withthe fic!!!!!!09/11/02-Today is a year from which terror struck our country........GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!09-09-02-Hi!!!!THe fic is almost done!!!!!!!!I been workin' hard!!!!!!!!09/04/02-Im a writin da fic!!!!!!09/02/02-WAZZZZUP08/30/02-WONT UPDATE ALL WEEKEND!!!!!08-28-02-Nothin writin fic!!!!08-27-02-New layout!!!!!08/26/02-Last day of getting pics!!!!08/25/02-HELLO ALL!!!!!!!WAZZZZZZZUP!!!!!SCHOOL STINKS!!!!!!Still stockpiling pics!!!08/24/02-nothin is goin on.....08/17/02-Nothing is going on.....won't update for a week!!!!08/15/02-Nothin' goin' on!!!!!!School started........I hate school!!!!!!!I hate it!!!!!!08/11/02-Hi!!08/09/02-Just hangin' about!!!I'm stockpiling about a hundred pics in my folders!!!!08/08/02-My new layout is up!!!!!!08/05/02-No time for nothin'!!!08/04/02-Adding all new links one day this week!!08/03/02-Sorry ,stockpiling on pics,today!!!!!!Won't work on the site today!!!I will monday!!!!!08/01/02-I updated!!!!!Nothing new today!!!!!07/31/02-Working on this site.07/30/02-Nothing much here!!!!!!!!Nothing at all!!!!I've decided to stop the graphics......07/26/02-I will get to work on stuff monday.07/22/02-Whew!!!!!It's hot in here!!!!!My YYH shrine is even Hotter!!!!!!!Link ME!!!!!07/21/02/-YYH is excellent!!!!!!!Visit my shrine!!!!!!07/20/02-Graphics are coming!!!!!!07/19/02-Trying to get music for hompage......07/15/02-Adding links today,nothing else!!!!07/08/02-Will not update for a few days!!!!Leaving again!!!!07/03/02-A drive is messed up ,can't get my wallpapers up!!!!!07/02/02-DBZ shrine is coming,so get your disks ready to download the greatest pics of DB!!!!!!It will be up soon!!!!Link me!!!!!!!I'll get this site on anime directories soon!!!!!!!07/01/02-Getting pics.................06/28/02-I'm back!!!!!I'm ready to start working on this site again!!Anime Fury is gonna be better than ever!The construction starts monday,however this site will still be accessable!!!06/18/02-I finally updated!!!!!I won't work on this site for two weeks........I kind of need a break.....06/08/02-Going out of town!!!!!!!I'll update in a week or two!!!!06/06/02-Visit the Vegeta page!!!!!!!Won't update for a week and a half.....06/05/02-Submit links please!!!!!!!!Next page is coming soon!!!!!!!!06/03/02-Nothing here.....Jman's computer is messed up...I'll try to hijack some stuff.05/30/02-Not going to work on it today......Computer time is limited....Check out the Gifs!!!!!! -05/28/02-We got gifs and alot of em' thanks to Jman640...Visit the gifs page!!!!!I've got one member!!!PLEASE JOIN!!!!!!!!!!Thanks Jman!05/23/02-Putting more YYH pics if my computer doesn't screw up...Might put up another page.....Though I'm not sure what to do it on!!!!!! I NEED SUBMISSIONS AND MEMBERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    05/21/02-Starting another page!!Pics maybe .I hope you like the pics!!!Enjoy everyhing that I have up!1!Don't give up on this site yet,more stuff to come!I mean alot more!!!!!!PLEASE NOTE : I NEED FICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-05/20/02-Come back in a few days,I have just started Construction.G Gundam might air on Toonami(it might be a rumor!).I hope it is true!Sorry for the inconveniance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm really sorry.So enjoy the two pages that are up!(please note:they are Under Construction!!!!).


E-mail me if you want to give me ideas or to submit stories or pics.Please E-mail me !!!!!!!So click here and help.Only Anime pics!!!Thanks!!